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PacRes Mortgage

Layout Design, Branding, and Corporate Marketing

PacRes Mortgage is an established lender across the United States, with deep roots in the Pacific Northwest. From its humble beginnings in Oregon, PacRes has grown to over 25 branch locations scattered across the country, in just over 15 years. This exponential growth brought forth an essential need for engaging marketing that appealed to clients in all states, not just the PNW. 


Starting at PacRes in early 2019, I had the opportunity to lead a complete overhaul of the brand’s aesthetic, incorporating clean, bold graphics with exciting imagery. To achieve better brand recognition, we focused on the cohesiveness of our message, without losing the importance of the story behind our collateral. Everything from advertisements and signage to internal flyers was reimagined around the journey of homeownership.

I encourage you to explore below to see some of the projects that were a part of this process.

Style Guide Mockup.png
PacRes Business Cards
Website Flyers.tif
Welcome Box.jpg
PacRes Bifold Brochures
PacRes Trifold
PacRes XStand Banners
PacRes Magazine Ad
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